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Witnesses sought following robbery in park in Chard

We’re appealing for help following a robbery of a vulnerable man in Chard.

The incident happened between 7.45-8pm on Monday 29 April in Jocelyn Park. The victim – am an in his 40s – was riding his red Carrera mountain bike – through the park when a group of four youths called him over.

They asked for a cigarette which the victim gave them and then one of them asked for a 50p piece. While the victim was looking for the money, one of the group grabbed notes from the wallet.

The same suspect that took the cash then grabbed the bike from the victim and rode off in the direction of Millfield.

We believe there may have been a number of people in the park at the time of the incident, who may have information to help our enquiries. We would like them or any of the males in the group who called the victim over to contact us.

Also if you have seen a red Carrera bike which was taken, please contact us using www.avonandsomerset.police.uk/contact, or by calling 101, quoting reference 5219093625

Alternatively, you can contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111 or report it on-line using the following link bit.ly/1pwX4Zm quoting the above reference number.