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E-fit released following distraction burglary in Stoke-sub-Hamdon

Do you know this man?
Do you know this man?

We’re issuing an E-fit of a man we want to identify following a distraction burglary in Stoke-sub-Hamdon.

The victim, a woman in her 70s, was distracted by a man who stopped outside her address in a grey coloured car while she was gardening sometime between 2pm and 3pm on Wednesday, 1 May.

At the same time, a second person has entered her home through a back door and stolen black handbag containing a purse and a number of sentimental items.

The man who spoke to the victim is described as white, approximately 5ft 9ins tall, of medium build with brown eyes and short brown hair.

There are two main tactics used by distraction burglars:

• Distracting a householder on the doorstep or in the garden, while an accomplice enters the house to steal
• Claiming to be from a utility company needing to urgently check water supply or electrics to get into a house

Our doorstep crime prevention tips include:

• Never open the door to an unexpected caller until you’ve checked their identification – use a door chain or viewer. Genuine callers expect it
• If you’re not sure, don’t open the door
• If you’re suspicious of a caller tell us straight away – ring 999 if you feel threatened or intimidated, otherwise call 101
• Keep your cash in the bank, not at home
• Keep windows and doors secured if you’re not in the room
• If you see someone calling door-to-door, but only on frail or elderly neighbours, call 999 straight away
• Join Neighbourhood Watch

If you recognise the man in the E-fit, please call us on 101 and give the call handler the reference number 5219095382.