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Operational training

If you are a public or private sector organisation, you can book one of our operational training courses at our headquarters in Portishead, or on your own premises.

Available courses

First Aid and Personal Safety

Basic Life Support Training
The aim of this module is to train police personnel on what to do in a first aid emergency. The course provides a basic awareness of first aid principles and procedures, and basic knowledge of emergency procedures.
2 hours

First Aid at Work Police – Initial and Requalification
This module is designed for officers or police staff working in medium to high-risk areas where the operational plan requires a higher level of first aid than the emergency first aider can provide.

This module is the First Aider at Work (FAW) Standard equivalent to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). It focuses on the level of first aid identified by the HSE as the acceptable level for medium to high-risk work environments and operational duties. The course addresses basic principles of first aid, and deals with a wide range of medical situations that personnel may be expected to deal with.
Initial Course 18 hours/Requalification 12 hours (4 hours annual refresh)

Personal Safety Training Refresher
This course is designed to refresh and recertify police officers (and police staff that require the training) in the relevant knowledge, understanding and skills required to carry and use their personal safety equipment. The course requires a level of fitness (to 5.4 over 15 meters bleep test or equivalent), which is a prerequisite of the course.
1 day

Personal Safety Trainers Course
This course is open to existing police officers who are operationally and occupationally competent in their personal safety training. It is designed to give officers the knowledge and skills to deliver personal safety training and advice to managers, assist in risk assessments, and return to work programs for personnel within the force. Delegates need to be Level 3 qualified (AEAT, PTLLS or equivalent), or prepared to work to that level prior to attending the course. There is a desired level of fitness, 5.4 over 15 meters or equivalent is the entrance requirement, but the course is very demanding both physically and mentally.
2 weeks


Use of Force Awareness
This course is available for police staff or the public to gain an understanding of the law, policies, decision making processes and techniques/equipment available to police officers (and police staff that are trained), in the use of force. This is an educational program, and does not require physical application of the delegates.
Duration: 2 to 6 hours

Police Support Unit (PSU) Training Initial Course
Police Support Unit training is supported by a modular curriculum as part of the College of Policing, and covers B1, B2 as well as other modules. It gives officers the skill and knowledge to deal with large scale disorder including Petrol Reception. This course provides students with the knowledge and skills to fulfil the role of PSU Officer/ Commander.  This could be delivered to other emergency services and enforcement agencies if agreed by the College of Policing.
Duration: 4 days

Public Order Trainers Course
This course provides students with the knowledge and skills to fulfil the role of Police Support Unit (PSU) trainer. It takes place over 3 weeks, and officers will be taught how to teach PSU tactics to officers on the initial course and refreshers. Officers will complete assessed lessons during the three weeks, and receive feedback from an assessor who is a PSU trainer already. During the final week of the course students will teach PSU officers on their refresher.
Duration: 15 days

Police Support Unit (PSU) Commanders C5 Course
This course will provide students with the knowledge and skills to fulfil the role of PSU Commander. This 2 day course gives the skills and knowledge to Sergeants or Inspectors who cover the role as a commander at PSU events.
Duration: 2 days

Police Support Unit (PSU) Mounted Commanders C6 Course
The aim of this course is to provide students with the knowledge and skills to fulfil the role of PSU Mounted Commander. This two day course gives the skills and knowledge to Sergeants or Inspectors who cover the role as a commander at PSU events, and are mounted officers.
Duration: 2 days

Rope Access Course
This course provides students with the knowledge and skills to fulfil the role of rope access trained. This is a week long course to give the rope access skills to Operation Support Unit (OSU) officers or police staff where working at height is part of their role. Officers or police staff can be trained.
Duration: 5 days

Method of Entry Training (MOE)
The aim of this course is to provide students with the knowledge and skills to fulfil the role Basic or Intermediate MOE officer. MOE training is supported by a modular curriculum, as part of the National Public Order Training Curriculum. The modules exist as stand-alone skills within this curriculum, irrespective of whether the officer is public order trained or not. The infrastructure of quality assurance is through the College of Policing MOE training licensing process.
Duration: Basic Course – 8 hours
Duration: Intermediate Course – 16 hours (16 hours annual re-qualification)

Ground Based Protestor Removal Training for Simple Environments
This course will provide students with the knowledge and skills to fulfil the role of Protestor Removal Team officer. This training is supported by a modular curriculum, as part of the National Public Order Training Curriculum. The modules exist as stand-alone skills within this curriculum, irrespective of whether the officer is public order trained or not. The infrastructure of quality assurance is through the College of Policing Protestor Removal Team training licensing process.
Duration: 5 days with annual refresher

Protestor Removal Training (PRT) for Complex Environments
This course provides students with the knowledge and skills to fulfil the role Protestor Removal Team officer in the three specifically defined environments of marine, confined space and at height. PRT training is supported by a modular curriculum, as part of the National Public Order Training Curriculum. The modules exist as stand-alone skills within this curriculum, irrespective of whether the officer is public order trained or not. The infrastructure of quality assurance is through the College of Policing Protestor Removal Team training licensing process.
Duration: 5 days with annual refresher

Taser Training X26 and X2 Variants of Conducted Energy Devices (CED)
This course will provide students with the knowledge and skills to fulfil the role of Taser User. Taser training is supported by a modular curriculum, as part of the National Police Firearms Training Curriculum (NPFTC), irrespective of whether the officer is firearms trained. This is largely due to the Code of Practice on the Police Use of Firearms and Less-lethal Weapons being engaged, and providing a supporting infrastructure of quality assurance through the College of Policing firearms training licensing process.
Duration: 3 days with annual refresher

Book a course

To find out more or book a training course, contact the Training Team.

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