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Strategic Independent Advisory Group (SIAG)

The Strategic Independent Advisory Group are responsible for the coordination of all other IAGs across the force and discuss areas of strategic significance.

The SIAG have quarterly meetings with all the Independent Advisory Group Chairs across the force as well as Chief Officers.

Each quarter relevant specialists, subject matter experts, guest speakers or partner organisations are invited to offer insight to topical issues and enable effective, detailed debate and discussion as to how these issues are affecting communities across the force area.

Meeting records

Agenda items (2024 Q2)
  • Chief constable annual update
  • Stop and search consultation
Agenda items (2024 Q1)
  • Story Films documentary
  • Race Matters update
Agenda items (2023 Q4)
  • Director of communications and engagement introductions and current workstreams
  • Qlik demonstration and crime statistics – direction of travel for the force area
Agenda items (2023 Q3)
  • Outstanding actions
  • Institutional racism
  • Disproportionality report update
  • Stop and Search – Independent Office for Police Conduct learning report recommendations
Agenda items (2023 Q2)
  • Chief constable update (guest speaker)
  • Young Persons IAG update
  • Counter terrorism IAG update – Martyn’s Law and Prevent Review
  • PCC update (guest speaker)
Agenda items (2023 Q1)
  • Approval of redrafted Terms of Reference and handbook
  • Police standards and conduct assurance
  • Diversity levels in policing
  • Qlik demonstration
  • Independent Advisory Group award proposal
Agenda items (2022 Q4)
  • Race Action plan update
  • Youth Out of Court Disposals update
  • Strategic police lead update
Agenda items (2022 Q3)
  • Out of Court Disposals
  • Police Race Action plan
  • Update from Assistant Chief Constable
Agenda items (2022 Q2)
  • Avon and Somerset’s response to the Police Race Action Plan
  • Facial recognition technology and its use in Avon and Somerset
  • Adult out of court disposals
  • Development of the Young Person’s IAG
  • National Association of IAG’s Conference Report
Agenda items (2022 Q1)
  • Police and Crime Commissioner’s update on priorities with questions and answers
  • Chief Constable’s update on priorities with questions and answers
  • Learning from the Child Q case in the Metropolitan Police area
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