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Special Constable – Misconduct

Date of request: 25 August 2021
Reference: FOI-1017-21


Please could you provide case details of special constables dismissed from the force, or who have resigned while under investigation, between January 1, 2015 and August 1, 2021?


Could you provide the reason given for their dismissal, or for what they were being investigated, and the year in which the special constable was dismissed or resigned?


Where the disciplinary case involved or led to a criminal conviction, which was registered by the force, please could the listed offence information be provided? 


Please see below the information you have requested:

Year Breach Type(s) Summary Outcome
2015 Discreditable Conduct Convicted at court for assault by beating x 2 Dismissed
2016 Authority, Respect and Courtesy. Discreditable Conduct Improper relationship with vulnerable female Dismissed
Discreditable Conduct Convicted at court for drink drive Dismissed
Honesty & Integrity. Challenging and Reporting improper conduct. Discreditable conduct Allowed another to drive a car when knew/ought to have known over the limit. Allowed the other to leave scene of accident, failed to challenge the other re drinking Dismissed
Authority, Respect & Courtesy. Equality & Diversity. Discreditable Conduct Posted/shared on Facebook offensive and racist material Dismissed
Discreditable conduct Dismissed from full time occupation for breaching safeguarding policy Resigned whilst under investigation
2017 Discreditable conduct Alleged to have made indecent photos of female under 16 (not proven).  Alleged to have engaged in sexually explicit conversations via the internet with unknown persons and made comments that were racist and offensive Resigned whilst under investigation
2018 Discreditable Conduct Convicted at court of Harassment and Threatening behaviour.  Received suspended sentence Resigned: Would have been dismissed
2019 Discreditable Conduct Conditional caution – admitted an offence of disclosing a private sexual photograph or film without the consent of a third party. Resigned:  Would have been dismissed
2020 Honesty & Integrity. Duties & Responsibilities. Discreditable conduct. Authority, Respect & Courtesy Made false mileage and being on duty claims, had altercation with another motorist when off duty. Dismissed
Honesty & Integrity, Duties & Responsibilities. Discreditable Conduct Failed to declare previous misconduct in previous role on vetting form. Dismissed
Equality & Diversity. Authority, Respect & Courtesy. Discreditable Conduct. Made inappropriate and racist comments, read out a racist and inappropriate joke to colleagues Dismissed
2021 Discreditable Conduct. Honesty & Integrity. Involved in off duty domestic. Asked colleague to lie, and was not honest when spoken to. Resigned:  Would have been dismissed

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