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Problem solving

Date of request: 4 March 2023
Reference: 310-23


I am seeking to identify the following;

1.Does your force have a team dedicated to problem solving?

1a) If yes, what type of problems do the team engage in.

1b) If yes, How many problem solving profiles are the team currently working on?

1c) If no, what mechanism does the constabulary use to identify and solve community problems?

2.What (if any) models do the constabulary use to solve problems.

3.Does the constabulary use make use of techniques that could be described synonymously as ‘Behavioural Insights’ or ‘Nudge Theory’

3.a) If yes what models are used under these titles.


1. The constabulary does not have a team dedicated solely to Problem Solving. The Inspection and Evidence-Based Policing Team have strategic Problem Solving as one of their core functions. There are no staff who are specifically allocated to Problem-Solving other than a Force lead at Superintendent level.

a) This team coordinates learning and improvement work for problem solving and        evidenced based policing across the Force, sharing best practice and auditing problem solving plans (PSPs). The neighbourhood teams use PSPs to tackle a variety of problems. Commonly anti-social behaviour, neighbourhood disputes, persistent callers but others such as anti-social driving or car cruises, problem licenced premises, crime hot-spots, high demand locations etc

b) The neighbourhood teams are currently working on 136 PSPs

2. We use the SARA model – Scanning, Analysis, Response, Assessment. Within this we consider the problem analysis triangle to analyse problems (Victim, Offender, Location)

3. No, though some staff have received training that included nudge theory

Please also find attached a PDF document in relation to frequently asked questions related to data science and predictive analytics. Additional information is also available on the data science page of our website, which can be found here.

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