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Police Budget and Officer Headcount from 2010

Date of request: 26 March 2021
Reference: 394/21


1 The Avon and Somerset Police Budget for each Financial Year (FY) from 2010/11 to 2021/22 including separately the amounts and percentage split of funds for each year from Home Office Grant and from Council Tax.


2 The number of: a) police officers, b) PCSOs and c) staff as at 31 March for each year from 2010 -2021 actual figures and for 2022 and 2023 forecast figures. From 2018 – 2023 please separate out as a separate figure those police officers who have not completed the PCDA and thus are not fully qualified officers.


Please find below a breakdown of the police budget for the years 2010/11 up to and including 2021/2022. This has been further broken down as requested.


  Grant Funding Council tax funding
2010/11 £204,214,000 68.3% £94,655,000 31.7%
2011/12 £195,373,000 67.3% £94,993,000 32.7%
2012/13 £185,771,000 65.7% £96,869,000 34.3%
2013/14 £194,431,000 69.5% £85,230,000 30.5%
2014/15 £185,895,000 67.3% £90,298,000 32.7%
2015/16 £178,885,000 65.5% £94,090,000 34.5%
2016/17 £178,167,000 64.5% £97,808,000 35.5%
2017/18 £175,914,000 63.4% £101,638,000 36.6%
2018/19 £175,914,000 61.8% £108,572,000 38.2%
2019/20 £182,093,000 59.5% £124,181,000 40.5%
2020/21 £189,477,000 59.3% £130,303,000 40.7%
2021/22 £203,146,000 59.8% £136,733,000 40.2%


Please find below, where identified, the number of police officers, probationary officers, PCSO and police staff for the years 2010 up to and including 2021. The numbers provided are based on the headcount of each role and not any FTEs. It should also be noted the figures provided for police staff in the years 2010 to 2018, do not include those employed by Southwest One as they were not considered to be part of the Establishment.


We have also provided numbers for 2022 and 2023. The number of Police officers and PCSOs are based on current uplift target figures and the number provided for police staff is based on the provisional authorised/budgeted FTE as at 1st April 2021, converted to a headcount.


Unfortunately we cannot accurately forecast PCDA numbers for 2022/23 therefore no figures have been included.


  Police Officers Probationary Officers PCSO Staff
2010 3185   392 1957
2011 3274   384 2032
2012 3114   376 1834
2013 2959   371 1953
2014 2886   345 2053
2015 2818   349 2195
2016 2797   340 2208
2017 2769   333 2249
2018 2687 262 341 2548
2019 2766 345 322 2581
2020 2884 528 333 2715
2021 3076 593 395 2965
2022 3106   364 3444
2023 3285   364 3444


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