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Motor Vehicles 2023

Date of request: 10 November 2024
Reference: 1362-24


About the taking of motor vehicles during 2023, I asked to be provided the following information where it is in a readily retrievable format, i.e. where provision of the information will not be exempted by section 12 ‘costs’. Where the information would be exempted by cost, I asked that this be identified with no further action taken.

1. The number of vehicles reported stolen to your constabulary. The home office code for this offence, I understand to be 48
2. the number of vehicles taken by fraud reported to your constabulary. The home office code for this offence, I understand to be 53
3. the number of vehicles stolen by burglary. The home office code for this offence, I understand to be 28
4. the number of vehicles stolen by robbery*. The home office code for this offence, I understand to be 34
5. the number of the above offences that were deemed to be ‘no crime’; those transferred and those cancelled plus the transferred / cancelled description

*Albeit my understanding that technically it is not possible to rob a motor vehicle.
However, I assume that its keys and contents would fall to such an offence and may give rise to categorization of robbery associated with these elements. If I have misunderstood the situation, please advise.

If it is believed the information is available elsewhere, specific to your constabulary, for the period and data cited, please provide the specific link. 


Information has been provided from our crime recording database for the period 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2023. For the offence codes 28 and 34, these do not relate solely to vehicle crime. Therefore, we have provided data where an occurrence has a vehicle listed as stolen. However, please note that the stolen vehicle may have been used in commission of the offence, rather than being stolen as a result of the offence.  


If multiple offences occur within one occurrence, the most serious offence is used to record the crime. For differences between burglary, robbery and theft there is some useful guidance here. 


For questions 1, 3, 4 please see the table below. We have provided a count of occurrences as well as a count of vehicles.  


You will see that in some instances there is a discrepancy between the figures. Where the count of vehicles is higher than the occurrences such as for offence code 28, this is because more than one vehicle can be stolen in each occurrence. For the offence code 48, the count of vehicles is lower than the count of occurrences because not all occurrences contain details of the recorded vehicle with the vehicle fields. 


Current Crime Group  Current Crime Code  Current Crime Description  count occurrence  count vehicle 
Burglary Residential / Dwelling  28I  Burglary – Residential – Home  330  374 
Burglary Residential / Dwelling  28J  Attempted Burglary – Residential – Home  4  4 
Burglary Residential / Dwelling  28M  Burglary – Residential – Unconnected Bld  166  206 
Robbery of Business Property  34A  Robbery of business property  9  9 
Robbery of Personal Property  34B  Robbery of personal property  62  57 
Theft or UT of a Motor Vehicle  48  Theft or unauthorised taking of motor vehicle  6408  6028 
      Sum:  6979  6678 


For question 2, no information is held by Avon and Somerset police. Action Fraud is the UK’s national reporting centre for fraud and cyber-crime. In the vast majority of cases, reports of fraud are completed via the Action Fraud website or Action Fraud call centre. All cases of fraud, whether reported directly by the victim or referred by the Police, are recorded centrally via Action Fraud and analysed within the National Fraud Intelligence Bureau (NFIB) hosted by the City of London Police as the lead force. You may wish to contact Action Fraud or the National Fraud Intelligence Bureau. 


For question 5, please see below for no crime and a separate table for outcomes relating to all crime code occurrences requested.  


Current Crime Type  Current Crime Group  Current Crime Code  Current Crime Description  count occurrence  count vehicle 
No Crime  Burglary Residential / Dwelling  28I  Burglary – Residential – Home  3  3 
No Crime  Robbery of Personal Property  34B  Robbery of personal property  2  2 
No Crime  Theft or UT of a Motor Vehicle  48  Theft or unauthorised taking of motor vehicle  192  176 
         Sum:  197  181 


Current Classification HO Outcome Code and Description  count occurrence 
Filed – Incident Report OR CRI  5 
New – Under Investigation  264 
OC01 – Charge/Summons  210 
OC02 – Caution – Youths  4 
OC03 – Caution – Adults  3 
OC04 – TIC  8 
OC05 – Offender Dead  2 
OC08 – Community Resolution  12 
OC09 – Not in Public Interest (CPS)  1 
OC10 – Not in Public Interest (Pol)  29 
OC12 – Offender too ill  2 
OC14 – No Sus / Victim Decline  261 
OC15 – Sus/Insuff.Evidence  418 
OC16 – Sus/Victim Declines  433 
OC17 – Time Limit Expired  3 
OC18 – No Sus / No Line Enq / Filed  5069 
OC19 – No Crime  195 
OC20 – Transferred Oth Agency  4 
OC21 – Investig. not in Public Int. (Police)  47 
OC22 – Diversionary, educational, intervention  9 


The detail collected to respond specifically to your request is subject to the inaccuracies inherent in any large scale recording system. As such, care should be taken to ensure data collection processes and their inevitable limitations are taken into account when interpreting those data. 

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