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Hate Crime Data 2011 to 2021

Date of request: 16 November 2022
Reference: 1293-22


I am emailing to ask if I may have access to monthly-level hate crime data broken down by strand – racial, religious, homophobic, etc. – for your district for 2011 through 2021, inclusive.



The attached spreadsheet is the hate motivated crime by month in total. Also, by strand (as more than one motivation can be applied). In the period up to 2018 the breakdown of these were different. Religion was not broken down by faith.


There are 5 current official strands:-



Religion or belief (now separate columns)

Sexual Orientation



In addition, we now have Gender, Gypsy and Traveller and prior to 2018 ‘Other unspecified’ (where those not correctly allocated were placed)

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