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Domestic Abuse Statistics During Lockdown 2020

Date of request: 5 June 2021
Reference: 545/20, 546/20, 548/20


545/20 Crimes and Incidents:

  • Domestic abuse incidents and, separately, offences with a domestic abuse flag reported between 23 March and 10 May in 2019 and the same dates for 2020.
  • The outcome of those offences in Q1 (including but not limited to: arrests, charged, released with no further action, released under investigation, released on bail with conditions etc.) between 23 March and 10 May in 2019 and the same dates for 2020.

546/20 Calls:

  • How many reports of domestic abuse were made via 999 were received between 23 March and 10 May in 2019 and the same dates for 2020.

  • How many reports of domestic abuse were made via 101 were received between 23 March and 10 May in 2019 and the same dates for 2020.

548/20 DVPNs:

  • The number of Domestic Violence Protection Notices (DVPNs) issued between 23 March and 10 May in 2019 and the same dates for 2020.
  • (i) The number of breaches of Domestic Violence Protection Orders and separately DVPNs between 23 March and 10 May in 2019 and the same dates for 2020.
  • (ii) The number of arrests made for breaches of DVPNs and separately DVPOs, between 23 March and10 May in 2019 and the same dates for 2020.
  • The number of arrests made for breaches of non-molestation orders between 23 March and 10 May in 2019 and the same dates for 2020.


Please find the requested information attached.

Please note there is not a recognised Home Office offence of Domestic Abuse. This is, however, a tag that is applied to any offence which is considered ‘Domestic’ in nature.

In relation to calls received, please also note that reports of domestic abuse are not exclusively given via telecommunications. They may also be reported face to face or online. All reported allegations of domestic abuse are recorded. When it is considered that no criminal offence has taken place, it is recorded as an incident.

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